2020 Primary Republican Candidates

Deadline to register or change party: July 20

Early Voting: August 8 - 16, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Election Day: August 18, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Begin mailing out Vote by Mail ballots on July 9, and voted ballots must be in SOE Office by 7 p.m. on August 18.

The Partisan Positions below are voted for by Republican registered voters ONLY.


George Buck

Web Site:  www.georgebuckjr.com

Email: gbuck@georgebuckjr.com

Phone: 727-823-6970

Sheila Griffin

Web Site:  www.votegriffin.us

Email: info@votegriffin.us

Phone: 727-735-5548

Anna Pualina Luna

Web Site:  www.voteannapaulina.com

Email: apl@voteannapaulina.com

Phone: 850-363-2238

Amanda Makki

Web Site:  www.amandamakki.com

Email: amanda@amandamakki.com

Phone: 727-378-2327

Sharon Barry Newby

Web Site:  www.shari4congress.com

Email: antiquefla@aol.com

Phone: 727-459-2530

Pinellas County Positions

Tax Collector

Joyell Hope Bobala - Republican

Web Site:  www.votejoyellbobala.com

Charles W. Thomas - Republican (Incumbent)

Web Site:  www.votecharlesthomas.com

Pinellas County School Board

District 1 - At Large

Stephanie Meyer (Endorsed by Pinellas GOP)

Web Site:  www.votestephaniemeyer.com

Facebook: VoteStephanieMeyer

District 4 - Single Member

Chris Hardman

Email: CHardman01@hotmail.com

East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District - Seat 3

MaryEllen Crowder - Republican

Email: votemaryellencrowder@gmail.com

Judge Positions

Judge Circuit 6, Group 28

The Non-Partisan Positions below are voted for by all registered voters, regardless of their party affiliation.


Judge Circuit 6, Group 44


Elizabeth Jack

Web Site:  www.lizjackforjudge.com

Phone: 727-515-5891